Getting better at blocking bad activity on wikis

2024-07-26 13:16:59 +0300 +0300

Happy new (nonprofit fiscal) year! 🥳

July 1 marked the start of the FY24-25 annual plan for Wikimedia Foundation. Together with colleagues, I've been working the last couple of months on lining up some interesting projects for improving anti-abuse capabilities on the wikis under the WE4.2 key result.

There are four projects hypotheses planned for this quarter:

All of these hypotheses bubble up to the general umbrella of work of providing signals for use in anti-abuse workflows, to improve the precision of actions on bad actors. All of the work is experimental; my hope is that we learn through trying and by the end of the year have some building blocks to make life easier for people doing anti-abuse work, while raising the level of difficulty for bad actors.

I'll be speaking about this work (virtually) at Wikimania in August, hope to see you there!